Sacred Journey Tarot classes

Why learn Tarot from me?

As a tarot practitioner and tarot arts, I took the leap of faith to go pro 9 years ago because I realized that I love teaching and have a 42-year history to share. As a reader, I am constantly adding new techniques to my reading style because learning tarot is a life-long pursuit for me. I want to keep the wisdom of the ages alive.

I have created four decks and many tarot-related products for beginners and professionals. Take a peek!

Annual Membership Monthly Classes

Annual Membership Monthly Classes


Join this monthly group Zoom call and enrich your knowledge about tarot is a safe and welcoming environment!


Major Arcana Minor Arcana walk through

Court Card Deep Dive

Astrology Correspondences  (The Wheel of Correspondences)

What is the Tree of Life in Tarot? 

Elemental Dignities

Tarot as a tool for healers and light workers (energy, colors, message between the cards)

Tarot for Everyday self-enrichment: 2 card spells, writing down everything you know about a daily card. Keeping track. 

Creating Tarot Spreads

Becoming a Great Tarot Reader: Deciphering the real question. Listening skills, body language, boundaries, ethics

Create your own spreads or journaling questions. 

Identify many possible cards that can correspond to each sign.

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