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Journey of TheSacred Bee Tarot


Go on a journey as the Sacred Bee travels from one colorful experience to another. The Journey Of The Sacred Bee is a 78-card Tarot deck with imagery and symbolism designed to enhance your intuition as you read the Tarot.

How the deck started
I had been reading about how bees are considered THE most important species on the planet and how we humans are endangering them to the brink of extinction. They are simply disappearing. I began looking at their anatomy, proportions, and how they have evolved into the species that pollinate the world - including much of the human food supply. As I began sketching some bees, I saw some amazing similarities with sacred geometry patterns and overlaid a bee image onto the flower of life and a human face. At that moment I remembered the interconnectedness of us all and my journey to create this deck began.

Over the month that followed the deck just poured through me and in 30 days, I had a first pass at the entire 78-card deck. It was at that point that I felt the deck needed to be shared so I began planning a crowdfunding campaign.

The borderless cards are 3" x 5" printed on 350gsm white core paper stock, with a matte finish, and teal gilded edging. The LWB guide booklet is an 80-page softcover, perfect-bound fitting right inside the magnetic flip box. The second printing is underway and pre-orders available.

Major Arcana

Journey of The Sacred Bee Tarot

Suit of Wands

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Suit of Cups

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Suit of Swords

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Suit of Disks

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